
How to install Flipt(ed) on your Android device

Flipt(ed) Android is developed primarily for use with Chromebooks. It will run on any device which supports Android, however it may not function correctly on devices with smaller screens.

Step 1: Request Access

Flipt(ed) is still in development, and is not yet ready for release to the general public. However, we are currently running a closed beta release.

To be added to our current beta release, email

Your email must contain the following information:

  • Your name

  • Your google account email

Set the subject of the email to be "Flipt(ed) Closed Beta Access Request."

Step 2: Install Flipt(ed)

In the reply to your access request, you will find a URL.

Open this URL on the android device.

You will be prompted to download and install Flipt(ed).

Option 2: Install from an APK

Step 1: Enable Sideloading Apps

You will need to configure your device to allow you to install applications that are not verified by the Play Store.

How this is done varies by device and Android version. This guide is a good place to start.

Step 2: Download the APK on your device

From your device, navigate to

On the most recent release, expand the "Assets" category.

Click on "app-release-unsigned.apk" to download the application.

Step 3: Install the downloaded APK

Once the APK finishes downloading, open it and it should begin installing.

Step 1: Install Android Studio

Follow these instructions to download and install Android Studio:

Step 2: Download the Flipt(ed) Source Code

Navigate to

Click the green button which says "Code". Choose "Download Zip".

Extract the downloaded zip file.

Step 3: Open Flipt(ed) in Android Studio

Open Android Studio. From the welcome screen, chose "Open an Existing Project."

Navigate to the extracted zip file. Chose the "flipted" folder.

Step 4: Configure the Android Virtual Device

In the upper-right corner, click on the "AVD Manager" icon (see the below photo).

Click "Create a Virtual Device..."

Choose "Tablet" then "Pixel C." Choose "Next."

Choose "R." You may have to click "Download" first. Then click "Next".

Choose "Landscape." Then choose "Finish."

Close the AVD Manager.

Step 5: Run the Flipt(ed) Application

Click the "play" button in the upper-right corner (see the below photo).

The Android Emulator will open, and the Flipt(ed) app will appear.

Last updated